
North Korea fires cruise missiles into Yellow Sea – Seoul — RT World News

North Korea fired several cruise missiles toward the Yellow Sea on Wednesday, the South Korean military said. This news comes amid escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula against the backdrop of a wave of weapons tests conducted by Pyongyang and joint war exercises between the United States and South Korea in the region.

Seoul will monitor any additional signs of launches. “In close coordination with the United States” South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Wednesday, describing the tests as… “Provocations.”

The new launch comes less than two weeks after North Korea tested a solid-fueled medium-range ballistic missile with a hypersonic warhead. Pyongyang later tested “Underwater nuclear weapons system” The country's official media reported last week, describing the move as a response to naval exercises conducted by South Korea, the United States and Japan, which included the US aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.

Seoul and Washington conducted a series of live-fire exercises near the border with North Korea last year despite repeated warnings from Pyongyang that it viewed the war games as a rehearsal for an invasion. However, the United States and its allies say the exercises are defensive in nature and accuse North Korea of ​​violating international restrictions on its missile program.

The United States and South Korea recently resumed large-scale joint exercises that were halted in 2017 as part of de-escalation efforts. Seoul also declared that a 2018 agreement to suspend military exercises along the border was null and void following artillery tests conducted by Pyongyang.

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