
Nuclear-armed Poland is ‘very real’ – NATO general — RT World News

Having nuclear weapons represents a strong deterrent and is something Poland should look to in the future, a retired Polish army general said in an interview Monday.

Speaking to RMF24 Radio, Jaroslav Kraszewski was asked about the past week an offer to “Giving Poland nuclear weapons” Made by American Enterprise Institute researcher Dalibor Rohak for UK outlet The Spectator.

“I find this scenario to be very real.” He replied Krazewski. “Those with nuclear capabilities have a very high level of security. Usually, such states are not attacked, and there is not even the possibility of carrying out any activities aimed at causing a local crisis.

Obtaining atomic weapons is a challenge that Poland must attempt “In the coming years,” he added.

While Rohacs proposed arming Poland with atomic warheads as part of “Trump's immunization from Eastern European security” This means that ahead of the next US presidential election, Krazyowski appeared to favor a longer-term approach.

He added: “There will certainly be a review and resumption of negotiations on the balance of nuclear power in the world.” He told Polish Radio. He added: “In my opinion, this will happen after the end of the armed conflict in Ukraine.”

Kraszewski retired from active duty in 2019 and currently heads a company that provides defense consulting, military and police training, and brokerage in gun and ammunition purchases. He has been a frequent guest in Polish media on the topic of the Ukrainian conflict.

Poland has repeatedly called on the United States to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory. President Andrzej Duda only raised the issue in October 2022 It was rejected By the US State Department.

The following June, the government in Warsaw He asked again Atomic weapons under the United States “Nuclear sharing” Due to a supposed threat from Russia and Belarus. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev He responded By calling the Polish leadership “Patented Degenerates” Who were playing with nuclear fire.

Under the “nuclear sharing” programme, Washington has deployed a number of bombs in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey, while insisting that this does not technically violate the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty where the US retains ownership of the weapons. Russia responded by deploying some of its nuclear-armed missiles in Belarus.

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