
Australian politician blames prescription drugs for drunk video — RT World News

Former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was filmed cursing as he lay on a Canberra pier with his feet in a planter box.

Former Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has admitted he mistakenly mixed prescription drugs and alcohol, after a video of him drunkenly muttering into his cell phone while lying on the pavement with his feet in a potted plant went viral over the weekend.

“I take prescription medication, and they say certain things can happen to you if you drink, and they were absolutely 100 percent right.” Joyce explained in an interview with Seven Network on Monday that it was “Don't look for sympathy” Or make excuses.

I came back, sat on a planter box, fell, and was videotaped. Here you are.

In the video, filmed on Wednesday night after Question Time in Parliament, the National MP can be seen lying on the pavement with his feet in a planter, muttering “Dead f**g**t” On his cell phone. It was later revealed that he was speaking to his wife, Vicky Campion.

Campion, who told the media that she was “Semi-asleep” When she received the call, she said he was almost certainly directing profanity at himself.

“I think he called himself one. He liked to beat himself up.” She said.

Joyce agreed, telling the Daily Mail: “I sat on the edge of a plant box, fell, and kept talking on the phone, very excitedly pointing at myself because I had fallen.”

While describing the video as “Very embarrassing” On Friday, Joyce ignored any mention of drugs or alcohol and merely laughed. “If I had known there was someone with a camera, I would have gotten up faster.”

National Party Leader David Littleproud told reporters he spoke to Joyce several times over the weekend and expected to return to Parliament on Monday. “This was an error in judgment but there are circumstances surrounding it.” He said, confirming that the incident had occurred “Abnormal behavior.” To the representative, promising to do so “make sure that [Joyce has] All the support he needs.”

The party leader declined to comment on whether Joyce had a problem with alcohol, arguing that she did “no one is perfect.”

Green Party leader Adam Bandt criticized his colleagues for what he described as a double standard regarding the public behavior of politicians, and insisted there would be… 'Widespread condemnation' If a female MP were photographed in a similar compromising position.

His comment appeared to be a reference to an incident last year, in which Independent Senator Lydia Thorpe was filmed arguing in obscenities with a group of men outside a strip club. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who only demanded “clarification” Of Joyce's party, he went much further in condemning Thorpe's viral moment, describing her behavior as… “Clearly unacceptable” to “Anyone should participate in society in a normal way, let alone a senator.”

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