
Occupation forces approve plans to resume ground assault on Gaza


The Israeli occupying forces announced on Wednesday night that its chief of staff approved military plans for the follow-up phase of the ground invasion. Gaza StripThe occupying forces’ defense minister, Jove Galant, confirmed that his forces are ready to resume fighting immediately on all fronts, including land, sea and air.

A statement issued by the occupying forces said that Israeli Chief of General Staff Herzi Halevi held a meeting today to approve the combat plan for the follow-up phase of the ground military operation in Gaza. He explained that Halevi approved the plans, without mentioning further details. Anadolu Agency.

The announcement comes as efforts intensify to extend the truce and reach a long-term ceasefire agreement, as representatives of many countries called for at a conference…United Nations Security Council Today, Wednesday, a ministerial meeting discussed the situation in Gaza to change the temporary ceasefire into a permanent ceasefire.

In this context, “New Izvestia” quoted Israeli Defense Minister Yov Galant as saying that “the navy, land, air and ground forces are ready to resume fighting immediately.”

The Israel Broadcasting Authority aired a video clip of Galante in which he confirmed that fighting across Gaza would soon resume and “will continue until Hamas is defeated and all those kidnapped are found,” He said.

Efforts to extend the armistice

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed earlier on Wednesday that occupying forces would resume the war in the Gaza Strip following the conclusion of a prisoner exchange between Israel and the Islamic resistance movement.agitation).

In a statement issued by his office today, the Israeli Prime Minister said, “Since the beginning of the war (last October 7), I have set three goals: to eliminate Hamas, to repatriate all abductees, and to ensure that Gaza will never constitute a The threat” to Israel remains with these goals. “

The announcements coincided with Qatar-led talks aimed at extending a temporary truce.

The U.S. Bloomberg website quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that negotiators including Qatar and the United States are pressuring Hamas and Israel to extend the ceasefire agreement in Gaza for another two days.

The sources added that Qatari-led talks were ongoing but they were seeking to extend calm in Gaza for two days or more.

On a related note, Israel Channel 12 reported that Israel will hold a security meeting tonight to discuss the possibility of extending the temporary truce for another two days.

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