
Opinions on the Abominations Purifying Israel and the Coming War

After the end of the Zionist phenomenon represented by the “state” of Israel, theorists and thinkers will revisit the concepts proposed by the military entity occupying Palestine. These terms include: “society,” “democracy,” and “civil and military.” To what extent do we believe the idea that there are “civilians”? Aren’t engineers, pharmacists, and workers just backup forces? Their military service is over and their weapons remain companions; waiting to be called to fight in new wars. They are civilians, just as workers in occupying armies before the end of traditional colonialism brought their families to the countries where they were recruited and separated from their communities. Is Israel a democracy? If Ashkenazi Jews are involved, the answer is probably: “Yes.” As for the Oriental Jews from Africa, the Arab world, and Palestine, it was even lower. The Palestinians in 1948 were even lower than this “low”.

The phenomenon of late awakening of conscience will also attract the attention of historians, who choose to leave the Zionist entity on the condition of a minimum of humanity and use important research to clear their names, like Effie Sch Lem, Ilan Pape, and other new historians currently living outside the occupied Palestinian territories. They may write testimonies to purify their past while they brag about the abilities of an entity that does not care what is published in those testimonies. They documented the crimes and provided enough evidence to bring the perpetrators to the International Criminal Court if the Arab world wished to do so. Do the conspirators and gloats have the will? In March 1978, Egypt’s Foreign Minister Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel prepared a statement condemning the “organized extermination of Palestinians” during the occupying forces’ invasion of southern Lebanon.

Did they give them leeches?

The minister recorded in his book “The Lost Peace of Camp David” that he kept calling President Anwar Sadat, and just before noon, Sadat woke up and asked him why he called repeatedly in the morning? The minister informed him of the Israeli aggression, “Sadat said with a smile: Did they give them leeches? … Discipline them or not?” I understood what he meant was whether the Israelis were because of the “death squads” a few days earlier. The actions carried out inside Israel taught the Palestinians a lesson. Blood rushed to my cranial artery as I answered him: The opposite happened, the Palestinians taught the Israelis a lesson. The minister did not suggest his boss had prior knowledge of the attack. Sadat was not angry or surprised by the actions of the occupying forces, but was surprised by the courage of the Palestinians to resist the aggression.

Befitting a comedian. On June 7, 1981, Israel destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor, minutes after French technicians left the site. Three days before the incident, Sadat and Menachem Begin met in Sharm el-Sheikh. Sadat learns that enemy forces have attacked the reactor; his anger is comical. He ordered an end to cooperation with Israeli agricultural experts who had begun working in May 1981 after Sharon, the hero of the breakthrough in the 1973 war, visited Egypt, which taught the world its agricultural knowledge. From the reactor destruction incident, I came across the book “Gideon’s Spy” by British-Israeli Gordon Thomas. The book was published in New York in 1999 and translated in the same year by Ahmed Omar Shaheen and Magdi Shashar.

My Palestinian friend Ahmed Omar Shaheen wrote me this dedication: “Here is the true face of the Jewish people.” I am on the editorial board of Sutour magazine. After the publication of the magazine, Dar Surat began a publishing project, publishing two books by Karen Armstrong, followed by a book by Gordon Thomas subtitled “The Secret History of the Mossad.” I read it and it freaked me out. In offices, at building entrances, on buses, on the street, at home, everywhere, Mossad-installed devices count breaths. Mossad, “Israel’s secret eye on the world.” The Zionists exist, they have influence everywhere, and they leave their mark on every “action.” Their operations penetrated into Africa, Europe, and Argentina, from where they hunted down Adolf Eichmann (my friend and translator Samir Grace insists that the correct pronunciation is Eichmann, not Eichmann).

key phone call

Rafi Eitan successfully kidnapped Eichmann and implemented the principle that “no Nazi survives”. I do not rule out that one day the Palestinians will raise the slogan: “There is no escape for any living Zionist killer”, and the killers do not lie. They brag about their crimes since the Nakba and jeer into the cameras, mocking the unarmed Palestinians who kill them until they run out of ammunition. Perhaps Eichmann’s words before his execution and subsequently before his body was cremated and his ashes were scattered into the sea might come true, as Ben-Gurion ordered them not to leave anything behind that might arouse sympathy for him and make him The traces of his transformation “turned into a Nazi icon.” They dismantled the oven and never used it again. On May 31, 1962, Eichmann said to Eitan in the execution chamber: “Jew, the day will come when you will join me.” I would see that day soon.

The book explains the dangerous role Mossad played before the war in June 1967, when they were told the critical time for radar units was between 7:30 and 7:45 am. Within fifteen minutes, the night shift was exhausted and the next shift was not ready yet, “coming a little late due to the slow speed of the canteen” because they started breaking their fast at a quarter past seven and lasted half an hour. Hour. He was briefed on all the details about the air force because “every Egyptian air base or chief of staff has either an Arab agent or a Mossad person, and there are at least three such people among the top chiefs of staff in Cairo.” . The “decisive call” between Gamal Abdel Nasser and King Hussein early in the war was also recorded.

Before the war, Mossad was able to disrupt the psychological, social and family makeup of its officers. Their families received letters from Cairo containing specific matters about their men’s conduct. Customers noted that extensive sick leave “allows pilots to resolve their issues.” Police received anonymous calls with specific information they knew. A woman called one of the teachers and told him that such-and-such student was behaving badly because he was “her father’s lover, a senior police officer, who caused the officer to shoot himself.” As the authors describe it, the harsh campaign created “visible rifts within the Egyptian military and greatly satisfied Meir Amit (who served as Mossad chief from 1963 to 1968).” At the time, , soft basic intelligence operations did not force them to resort to state terrorism methods.

Mossad did not care about the implement: Jews or collaborators. They don’t think of an agent as a person. He is just a weapon, a means to an end, like the Kalashnikov. That’s all. If you must send him to die, forget it. An agent is always a nobody, a worthless person. “He was not a human being at all.” The book contains facts from public records. In May 1965, King Hassan “asked the Mossad to help him get rid of bin Barka.” The “terrible” general Muhammad Ufkir conveyed to David Kinch “what the king wanted: Ras bin Barka”, with whom Ufkir had to travel to Israel via Rome to explain this One request.


Israel practices state terrorism and considers “assassinations to be part of the job.” In 1977, Mossad discovered that France was providing nuclear capabilities to Iraq. They considered striking the reactor before it started operating, but that “would end a subtle strategy to convince Egypt to sign a peace deal.” They discover that Egyptian scientist Yahya Mashad is in Paris, overseeing the delivery of atomic fuel to Baghdad, so Mossad chief Isaac Hovey sends a team to assassinate him. “Two men entered his room with a master key, slaughtered him, stabbed him in the heart and robbed the room to make the operation look like it was motivated by theft. A night shift girl in the next room admitted that during A few hours after making her statement, she heard unusual noises in the corset room… She was killed in a traffic accident and the carriage was never found.”

The “Kill Team” completed the operation and captured the Tel Aviv plane. Is Gordon Thomas’s criminal record enough to reopen the file? Who opens it? Iraq is hurt. The consequences of American occupation and civil strife burdened it with other problems. Egypt considers this a luxury because the book was translated in 1999 and the author added chapters to the version translated in Beirut in 2007. In Egypt, Dar Surat published the book The Coming War, translated by Dr. Fatima Nasr. Egypt and Israel, 2016, two years after the book was published in London. The author, Ehud Elam, lives in the United States and was a conscript in the Air Defense Weapons Division. After receiving his PhD, he continued to work academically and practically on “Israeli National Strategy and Military Doctrine” Research and work in the Ministry of Defence.

Can this author compose music? In the operations room, he told us a scenario of a fierce, large-scale war in which Israel storms the Sinai Peninsula and “the Egyptian army will try to protect its land, which will force the IDF to destroy the Egyptian forces or force them to retreat.” He Said: After the next war, Israel may occupy some areas of the Sinai Peninsula, and during its advance in the Sinai it will not encounter “the fortifications like in the 1956 and 1967 wars, so nothing can hinder it” advance.” The IDF will dismantle any infrastructure that the Egyptian army has begun to build there… The IDF will do whatever it takes to crush the Egyptian army in the Sinai.” ”

Despite the 1979 peace treaty, Ehud Elam is convinced that Egypt remains “the main challenge in any war…Egypt may not seek to confront Israel, but if that happens…and since Egypt has powerful of the army, the IDF troops must be prepared to defeat it, because if not… Moreover, this could tempt Egypt to test Israel’s strength. “Egypt successfully deployed in the Sinai without receiving an appropriate response from Israel The military, not to mention Egypt’s firm stance against Israeli attacks, would be a huge blow to Israel. ” Despite the treaty, Egypt remains an enemy and peace with Egypt is based on the “demilitarization” of the Sinai Peninsula, as former National Security Council Chairman Uzi Dayan said.

The scenario for the next war is a repeat of the invasions of 1956 and 1967, with a “preemptive strike”, as the author declares. The book passes in silence, as if the war – detailed by the Zionist author – would take place on the Tibetan Plateau between India and China.

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