
Palestinians face invasion, occupation blows up prisoner's house in West Bank News


Confrontations broke out early Tuesday when Palestinians and Israeli occupying forces attacked the town. bank of the westArrests were made there and the house of a prisoner who had carried out an operation against the settlers a few months earlier was blown up.

New Israeli incursions include Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarm, Jericho, Hebron and Bethlehem governoratesOccupied Jerusalem.

Al Jazeera reporters reported that confrontations broke out between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupying forces in the town of Akrabah, south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

Journalists say occupying forces blew up the home of prisoner Osama Bani Fadel in Accraba.

Bani Fadel was the perpetrator of Operation Hawala, which resulted in the killing of two settlers last August.

Activists reported that occupying forces carried out mass arrests in the town of Akrabah and conducted field surveys of detainees.

Clashes broke out in the town of Yabad, southwest of Jenin, after occupying forces stormed the town and raided homes there, Palestinian sources said.

Also in the northern West Bank, raids included the village of Kafr al-Labad, east of Tulkarem, and activists reported that confrontations with occupying forces broke out in the town of Anabta in the same province.

live ammunition

In Hebron in the southern West Bank, Al Jazeera reporters reported confrontations between young people and occupation forces in the towns of Baninaim and Surif, noting that occupation soldiers fired live ammunition at young people.

The Israeli army set up military checkpoints in the towns of Baninaim and Surif to search citizens' vehicles and check the identities of their owners. Occupation forces also attacked the Al-Fawwar camp south of Hebron and the town of Beit Umar north of Hebron. City.

Al Jazeera reporters also reported that Israeli troops stormed Jericho Meanwhile, Israeli forces attacked the town of Anata, northeast of occupied Jerusalem east of the West Bank, from multiple fronts.

Local sources said occupation forces raided the villages of Al-Walaja and Zaatara in Bethlehem and confiscated Palestinian vehicles.

settler attack

On the other hand, a Palestinian worshiper was suffocated to death in a settler attack last night (Monday) Tomb of the Patriarch Located in the center of Hebron, it is protected by the Israeli occupation forces.

The Palestinian News Agency said the settlers pepper-sprayed worshipers, noting that the attack occurred during evening prayers.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said Tawaqa treated two pepper gas casualties at the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron and transferred them to the hospital.

Activists on social media posted video footage showing worshipers coughing from the gas, some lying on the ground, and a spokesman said settlers sprayed gas on worshipers.

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