
Argentina threatens to strip protesters of welfare benefits — RT World News

The new president has moved to discourage demonstrations against his “shock therapy” plan.

The government of Argentine President Javier Miley announced on Monday that Argentines who participate in road closures will be punished by losing social benefits.

Erecting roadblocks, known as “corte de ruta,” has long been the preferred form He objects In a South American country. Miley has sought to ban the practice in anticipation of a backlash against him “Electric shock therapy” Policies For economic and political recovery.

“Protest is a right, but so is the ability to move freely across Argentine territory to get to work.” Human Capital Minister Sandra Petofilo said in a video message to the nation, to publish From Miley's office.

Anyone who promotes, incites, organizes or participates in roadblocks will lose access to the ministry and could lose their welfare benefits as well, Petofilo said.

The government will review the organizations that administer welfare benefits “Cut the person in the middle” And make sure no one is blackmailed into attending protests by threatening to withhold their benefits. Anyone whose benefits were cut due to not attending the protest can call the number to report it to the government.

“The only ones who will not receive their salaries are those who go out to protests and block the streets.” Petofilo added. “Those who block will not get the money.”

To help the most vulnerable members of society, the government will double the universal child allowance and increase food card allocations by 50%, Petofilo said. The government is working hard for this “All citizens can regain their jobs, independence and freedom.” she added.

Miley, a self-described woman “Anarcho-capitalism” He was elected on the basis of a program of radical economic and political reforms. In his inaugural speech on December 10, he described Argentina as a member of the European Union “On the verge of the deepest crisis in history” With the previous government leaving a devastating legacy of hyperinflation, trade deficits, and debt.

“There is no substitute for shock modification.” Miles said. “there is no money.”

According to the president, Argentina has an annual inflation rate of 143%, a trade deficit of $43 billion, and a debt to the International Monetary Fund alone of $45 billion, with more than $10 billion in debt payments due in April. He proposed devaluing the currency, dramatically reducing the size of government and reducing regulation, hoping to stimulate private enterprise.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has Criticize Miley suggested adopting the US dollar as Argentina's currency, noting that this would lead to Buenos Aires giving up its sovereignty to Washington.

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