
Pentagon pondering $4 billion Ukraine arms supply – CNN — RT World News

A $60 billion aid package for Kiev faces deadlock in Congress amid opposition from Republicans

The US military is considering whether to withdraw its last remaining funds allocated to Ukraine, even with no guarantees that lawmakers will replace the money amid a heated debate over renewing aid, several officials told CNN.

While the Pentagon previously made clear that the money could not be used until Congress authorized new spending, officials are now looking for an internal resolution “Financial cushion” The newspaper reported on Wednesday that this would allow it to use its last $4 billion to arm Kiev.

Unnamed defense officials stressed that a final decision had not yet been made, but noted that the military was reviewing its options as Ukrainian forces faced major setbacks on the battlefield.

In response to a question about the possibility of benefiting from a $4 billion fund before the new appropriations, Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jaron Garn told CNN that the Department of Defense “We continue to urge Congress to pass an additional supplement to support Ukraine in its time of need and replenish our stockpile.”

Although the Senate approved $60 billion in aid to Ukraine earlier this month, House Republicans have blocked the legislation for weeks, demanding major reforms to US border policy to stem the flow of illegal immigration. Even after meeting with President Joe Biden and congressional leaders this week, House Speaker Mike Johnson refused to bring the bill to a vote, leaving its fate uncertain.

During a press conference last month, Pentagon Press Secretary Gen. Patrick Ryder highlighted concerns about withdrawing remaining aid before approving new spending, saying it was a move… “The issue of impact on our preparedness as a nation.”

“So, yes, while we have $4.2 billion of power, we don't have the money available to us to replenish those stockpiles if we spend that. And with no timeline in sight, we have to make those tough decisions.” he added.

While Washington quickly became Kiev's biggest supporter after Russia launched its military operation in 2022, US aid has all but stopped after Ukraine's counteroffensive in the summer failed to yield any significant gains. Ukrainian officials have called for additional weapons throughout the conflict, with President Vladimir Zelensky reportedly warning last week that his country would do so. “There is no doubt that the war is lost” Without continued American support.

Moscow has repeatedly warned that foreign arms transfers will only prolong the fighting without deterring its military goals, noting that weapons provided by the West will prolong the fighting. “Burn” On the battlefield.

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