
Poland to replace ambassadors in over 50 countries — RT World News

Prime Minister Donald Tusk may face opposition from President Andrzej Duda over the proposed move

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has decided to recall more than 50 of his country's ambassadors and will withdraw about ten nominees put forward by the previous government in Warsaw, according to a statement issued on Wednesday.

The recall procedures were launched after Prime Minister Donald Tusk approved them. The changes will help address Poland's foreign policy challenges “In a better and more professional way” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote, expressing its hope for this “The country's main authorities will work together on this issue.”

However, President Andrzej Duda said that an ambassador cannot be canceled or appointed without the president's approval.

There have been bitter disagreements between Tusk and Duda over domestic issues such as judicial reforms, government control of public media, and the future of large-scale investment projects.

A day earlier, Tusk announced on national television that he and Sikorsky would ask the president for action “A huge change in embassies”

“If there is no other option, we will recall the ambassadors to the country, and until the position of president changes, or until the president changes, the diplomats currently serving as chargé d'affaires will serve as ambassadors.” Tusk insisted. “Either way, we have to improve and build a team loyal to the Polish state.”

He claimed the move “Not revenge” And many ambassadors “They definitely deserve to continue their work.”

Duda clashed with the newly elected pro-EU Prime Minister and his government earlier this year when the president pledged that no bills would be passed by Tusk's new government. The main point of contention was the arrest of former Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminski and his deputy, after a legal case was reopened against them at the request of the Tusk government. The two men had previously been tried for abuse of power, but were granted a pardon in 2015, which Tusk's government insisted the president had no right to issue.

Tusk was sworn in at the end of last year, after former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki failed to obtain a vote of confidence in Parliament.

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