
The most prominent developments on day 73 of Israel's war on Gaza

communicate Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip enters its 73rd day The Ministry of Health announced separately Gaza The number of people killed in the invasion increased to 19,453, and the number of injured increased to 52,286.

The Israeli occupying forces intensified their attacks on hospitals, besieging Al Auda Hospital and arresting the director. They also bombed Al Shifa Hospital, causing casualties.

On the other hand, the resistance faction led by the Qassam Brigade announced multiple operations against occupation soldiers and vehicles, resulting in casualties and the destruction of many vehicles.

Kassam recording

It is worth noting that on this day, the release… Qassam Brigade Several video recordings monitor its most important day-to-day operations, one of which responds to a video of the occupation related to the discovery of a tunnel, while in a third video it concerns the confinement of Israeli prisoners. held by it.

Under the headline “You're late,” the Qassam Brigades commented on the discovery of a giant tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip, saying it was being used for an operation. al aqsa floodsThere is no value in being discovered by the enemy now.

The Qassam Brigades also released a video message from Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip to the Israeli government and their families, saying “Don't let us grow old here.”

Israeli prisoners confirmed in the Qassam video that they helped build the Israeli army and feared the Israeli air force would kill them.

Al Jazeera broadcast the footage it obtained of the Qassam Brigades targeting Israeli Humvee military vehicles with Kornet anti-tank missiles in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip, causing casualties and injuries to occupation soldiers.

The channel also played a video released by the Qassam Brigades, which documented the withdrawal of damaged Israeli vehicles and the rescue of occupying army soldiers.

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The Qassam Brigades issued multiple military statements regarding their most significant operation today and said they targeted a truck full of Zionist soldiers east of the city of Khan Younis with anti-personnel missiles.

It also announced that an Israeli military jeep near Al-Nada Tower in the northern Gaza Strip had been hit by an anti-tank missile.

The brigade said in a separate statement that its fighters targeted an Israeli Merkava tank with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell in Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip.

The Qassam Brigades also said its jihadists detonated an anti-personnel “TV” bomb inside a Zionist infantry unit east of the city of Khan Younis, killing and wounding its members.

For her part, she said: Holy City Brigade Fighters from the Islamic Jihad movement – the military wing – took control of an Israeli infantry Evo Max 4T reconnaissance aircraft east of Khan Younis.

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Gaza martyrs

In the Gaza Strip, the director-general of the Gaza Health Ministry told Al Jazeera that more than 100 martyrs, most of them children, were killed and 20 others died in Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip, as a result of Israeli attacks and bombings. were injured, and another 100 people were buried under the rubble.

The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip stated that in the past few hours, the Israeli occupying forces carried out massacres in the Jabaliya camp in the northern Gaza Strip, resulting in 151 people being martyred and 313 others injured.

Al Jazeera reporters also reported that 10 Palestinians were killed late Sunday in an Israeli bombing of a house west of the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.

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Target hospitals

The Al-Awda Health and Community Association said Israeli occupying forces continued to besiege Al-Awda Hospital and arrested its director, Dr. Ahmed Muhanna.

Al Jazeera journalists reported that 26 displaced people were killed in an occupation bombing of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

Al Jazeera reporters also reported that gunfire continued at the entrance to the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza City.

Israeli occupying forces bombed the hospital's specialized surgery building, resulting in the deaths of many martyrs.

Tensions escalate in West Bank

In the West Bank, the number of martyrs in the Farah camp south of Tubas rose to four, with the Palestinian Health Ministry saying they included 17-year-old Rashid Habib Eddy.

Earlier this morning, occupying forces attacked the Farah camp, the second attack in two weeks.

Al Jazeera reporters also reported that two Palestinians were injured in attacks by occupying forces on the villages of Yatta and Doura, south of Hebron in the West Bank.

The Palestinian Red Crescent announced that a young man was wounded by an occupying force bullet during an attack on the village of Barkat al-Khattab, east of the city of Qalqiliya in the northern West Bank.

Occupation forces also attacked Nablus from multiple fronts, with Al Jazeera reporters reporting that resistance fighters fired at occupation vehicles attacking Nablus in Palestine Street and Martyrs Circle.

On the other hand, Israeli occupation radio announced that a car shooting occurred near the town of Atret in the central West Bank, and an Israeli woman was injured.

Hebrew media published a photo of a car that it said had been hit by gunfire, injuring an Israeli woman.

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Gaza detainees tortured by occupation

Regarding the torture carried out by the occupying forces on detainees in the Gaza Strip, the Prisoner Service stated that there are testimonies showing that the Israeli-occupied territories have carried out horrific acts of torture on detainees in the Gaza Strip.

She said the occupying forces' insistence on not revealing the fate of Gaza detainees was aimed at committing more crimes against them, pointing to growing data showing that Israel was committing horrific crimes against Gaza detainees in the Stetman refugee camp. crime.

In this context, Israel's “Haaretz” stated that the Israeli army detained hundreds of prisoners captured from Gaza in a military camp in the Negev near Beersheba.

She added that some prisoners captured in Gaza had died in a detention camp in the Negev, and the military said it would investigate the matter.

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The enemy is dead

The Israeli army announced the killing of two more soldiers in fighting in the northern and southern Gaza Strip, bringing the death toll announced on Monday to seven, including officers and soldiers.

The Israeli occupying forces also announced on Monday that 48 soldiers had been injured in fighting in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours.

On the other hand, the Israeli Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that it has treated 28 Israeli soldiers injured in the Gaza fighting in the past two days.

Israel's Channel 12 confirmed that Soroka Hospital has treated 2,215 wounded people of varying degrees since the fighting began.

She added that there are currently 52 war casualties hospitalized in various hospital departments, 14 of whom are seriously injured.

The foreign ministers of Qatar and France hold press conferences.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman confirms Qatar will continue to mediate for permanent ceasefire (Al Jazeera)


Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammed said that Qatar will continue to mediate for a permanent ceasefire and support the Palestinian people in realizing their rights.

On the Israeli side, Israeli newspaper Maariv reported that families of those detained by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza announced a sit-in in front of government headquarters starting Monday to demand the completion of a prisoner exchange agreement.


Britain's Maritime Trade Agency said it had received reports of an incident near Mandeb, south of the Yemeni port of Moqa, of a possible explosion in waters two miles from a Yemeni ship. Red Sea.

Against this backdrop, Yemeni shipping sources said the Ansar Houthis fired a missile near a ship south of Mocha to warn it not to sail to an Israeli port.

A few days ago, the Axios news website quoted U.S. officials as saying that ships arriving at the Israeli port of Eilat had almost completely stopped due to attacks by Houthi armed forces.

Reuters quoted U.S. officials as saying that a ship was hit by artillery fire from Houthi-controlled territory in the southern Red Sea today.

But Bloomberg quoted a U.S. official as saying the White House was communicating with the Houthis through Oman and other mediators to urge them to stop the attacks.

A Houthi spokesman confirmed the communications and commented: “We will continue our attacks until Israel stops the fighting in Gaza.”

Gallant and Lloyd James Austin - Source: Israeli Ministry of Defense
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (left) and Israeli Defense Minister Yov Galant (Reuters)

Austin in Israel

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin hopes to use his visit to Israel to get a clearer security assessment of ground operations in Gaza, CNN quoted senior Pentagon officials as saying.

Washington will continue to provide Israel with the weapons and ammunition it needs in its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the U.S. defense secretary said at a news conference in Tel Aviv on Monday.

He added that Hamas should not export terrorism from Gaza to Israel again.

At the same press conference, Israeli Defense Minister Yov Galant said they were working to dismantle Hamas “otherwise our continued existence as a nation will be threatened.”

“We will continue to conduct operations at different levels in Gaza and perhaps soon in the north,” he added.

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