
Three wounded in Paris knife attack — RT World News

Police have ruled out terrorism as a motive behind a stabbing allegedly committed by a homeless man from Mali

Three people were injured in a stabbing attack allegedly committed by a Malian national at the Gare de Lyon train station in Paris on Saturday, police told AFP.

The Paris Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating the attack, which left one person seriously injured in the abdomen and two others with minor injuries.

He added, “The suspect did not shout (any religious slogans) during his attack.” A police source told AFP, and Paris Police Chief Laurent Nunez confirmed that there was no doubt that the attack had terrorist motives. However, the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor “Control procedures.” Regarding the investigation, according to Agence France-Presse.

The man, who was armed with a knife and a hammer, appeared to be homeless “Psychological problems” Nunez told the media. Bystanders reportedly subdued him and detained him until railway police arrived at the scene.

When asked to prove his identity, he presented the police with an Italian driver's license indicating that he was 32 years old. He also had Italian residence papers and medication in his possession when he was detained. According to To the authorities.

“Thank you to whoever defeated the man who did this unbearable act.” Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday.

The accident caused a short delay on train services to Paris, with rail company SNCF only indicating this “An act with criminal intent” In the transit center of the French capital, which receives more than 100 million passengers annually.

Paris will host the 2024 Olympic Games later this year, and expects 15 million visitors to flood the city, straining its security services to the limits. Nunez is also responsible for the games' security.

Last summer, riots broke out across France after police shot a 17-year-old of Algerian origin during a traffic stop in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. Most of the thousands of detainees were between 17 and 18 years old. The officer responsible was charged with murder, although this measure failed to suppress the unrest that spread beyond the borders of France.

A nationwide law enforcement crackdown has put more people in French prisons than ever before, with the country's prison population surpassing 73,000 for the first time in 2022. Detention facilities are reported to be Overcrowded Thousands of prisoners are forced to sleep on mattresses on the floor.

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