
Two martyrs in Ramallah and news of the occupation storm in Tubas

Two Palestinian youths were martyred near the city in the early hours of Tuesday Ramallah exist bank of the west The occupying force and two others were injured when occupying forces raided the city and carried out arrests. Israeli forces also attacked the northern West Bank city of Tubas.

Al Jazeera journalists reported that a Palestinian was killed by Israeli-occupied bullets in the village of Kaf al-Ain, north of Ramallah, while the Palestinian Health Ministry said another young man was killed in Beituni, west of Ramallah. He was killed in a confrontation with the Israelis in Yazhen. Israeli army.

Israeli forces raided the town of Kafr al-Ain and arrested one citizen, resulting in clashes with dozens of citizens and occupying forces firing live ammunition.

In Betouniya, west of Ramallah, occupying forces fired live ammunition and tear gas at Palestinians after attacking the town before releasing a fourth batch of Palestinian prisoners.

Thus, the number of martyrs in the occupied West Bank since October 7 rose to 241.

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) said that clashes broke out after occupying forces attacked the Deir al-Amar camp and its camp in western Ramallah, injuring two young people.

Two people injured and explosion

An Al Jazeera reporter stated that the Israeli occupying forces blew up the home of martyr Daoud Fayyad in the Deir Amal refugee camp west of Ramallah. Fayyad was martyred on August 31 last year.

According to the Palestinian News Agency, Israeli forces raided some houses surrounding the martyrs’ homes and forced residents to evacuate.

big storm

Al Jazeera journalists confirmed that a special forces unit of the Israeli occupation forces attacked the city of Tubas on Tuesday morning and surrounded a house there.

Local sources said the occupation forces sent reinforcements to Tubas and clashed with Palestinian citizens.


During the four days of the armistice Gaza Strip Occupying forces have arrested 260 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank as part of a campaign of raids, raids and vandalism targeting West Bank citizens, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club.

The club reported that Israeli intelligence officials were investigating the detainees, some of whom were released hours or days later or transferred to administrative detention without charge or trial.

He added that the total number of detainees in the West Bank had reached 3,260 since October 7 last year, coinciding with Israel’s launch of aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip.

The Prisoners Club also confirmed that 60 Palestinian women are still being held in Israeli prisons, 56 of whom were arrested after October 7 last year.

Israeli forces have launched daily onslaughts into villages and towns across the West Bank, accompanied by confrontations, arrests, shootings and tear gas bombs against Palestinians.

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