
Ukraine faces series of retreats – Pentagon — RT World News

A US spokesman stressed that regardless of the setbacks, the United States will not send its soldiers to the country

The Pentagon expects Ukraine to back down in the conflict with Russia, a Pentagon spokesman said Thursday, while urging Congress to resume military aid to Kiev.

Facing the Ukrainian leadership “Really tough, tough decisions.” “Because of the failure of the United States to send more weapons to the country,” Sabrina Singh told reporters during a press conference.

“Ukraine now has to make strategic decisions about having to withdraw from certain areas in order to fortify its defense lines.” I noticed.

The government of President Vladimir Zelensky has declared that full control of the territory that Kiev claims as its own is the only acceptable outcome of its conflict with Russia. The Ukrainian leader repeatedly rejected advice from Pentagon officials to withdraw his forces from certain areas.

In the case of Artyomovsk, which Ukrainians call Bakhmut, Zelensky initially declared Donbass a city. “fort” He repeatedly sent reinforcements, rather than withdrawing his forces – until Russia took control of the city last May.

Some military experts have argued that the move significantly undermined the Ukrainian campaign against Russian defensive lines later that year. Kiev's forces suffered from high rates of attrition in the so-called counterattack, losing more than 90,000 soldiers, and did not achieve their goals, according to Moscow.

Singh attributed the recent setbacks suffered by Kiev on the battlefield to the failure of the US Congress to agree to provide additional military aid to Ukraine worth $60 billion. This proposal remained stuck in the House of Representatives for several months due to Republican opposition.

The official was commenting on a controversy in the European Union sparked by French President Emmanuel Macron, who said last month that NATO countries could eventually send their forces to Ukraine to prevent a Russian victory. Singh reiterated White House policy that “he will not be there [US] shoes on the floor” In the besieged country.

Moscow warned that the flow of Western weapons to Kiev makes the United States and its allies parties to the conflict. Russian officials said the weapons would not change their results.

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