
Washington reveals position on retaliatory Israeli strike against Iran – ABC — RT World News

Unnamed officials told the newspaper that the United States does not intend to participate in any possible retaliatory strike on Tehran on behalf of West Jerusalem.

The United States will not help Israel retaliate in the wake of the Iranian missile and drone attack by launching offensive military operations, Biden administration officials have privately warned, according to ABC News.

Israel promised a “Answer” Following the massive Iranian attack on the country over the weekend, which West Jerusalem said involved more than 300 drones and missiles. Iran said the attack was in retaliation for the bombing of its consulate in Damascus, Syria, earlier this month, which killed several senior Iranian military personnel.

The IDF said it shot down the vast majority of incoming projectiles with the help of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Jordan and others.

Shortly after the Iranian attack ended, a senior administration official reportedly told reporters that the White House believed Israel “She has the freedom to act to protect herself and defend herself.”

“This is a long-standing policy, and it remains in place.” The official reportedly said.

However, when asked whether the United States would help Israel confront offensive military operations, that official said there was no such plan.

“We can't imagine ourselves participating in something like this.” The person said.

According to a second US official cited by ABC, this message was delivered directly to senior Israeli officers in a private phone call on Sunday between Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant.

Austin explained in too “direct” The official claimed that the United States was not planning to participate in a potential counterattack on behalf of Israel.

ABC noted that the comments were as well “It's an unusual message for a close ally that has spent decades receiving more US military aid than any other country in the world, and whose relationship with America is often described as “tough.”

The outlet added that the reason behind the decision is the Biden administration’s fear of A 'Wider war' Breaking out in the Middle East.

The Israeli War Council reportedly decided that it would take “Clear and decisive” This came after the missile and drone attack launched by Iran on Saturday. However, Israeli outlet Mako reported on Monday evening that retaliation should be acceptable to the United States and… “comply” With the rules set by Washington, so that doesn't happen “Turning the region into war.”

Tehran promised to respond “In seconds” If Israel decides to launch any form of attack against the Islamic Republic.

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