
France to invite Russia to D-Day anniversary – media — RT World News

Europe 1 newspaper said it would be “difficult” to exclude Moscow from commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy.

A Russian delegation will be invited to a ceremony in France marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Europe 1 reported.

The Allied landings in Normandy, which opened a second front against Nazi Germany in Europe, will be commemorated on 6 June. The Elysee Palace is set to officially announce its decision to extend an invitation to Russia despite the current geopolitical climate, the radio station reported. Tuesday.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Moscow had not received any official communications in this regard from Paris. It was suggested that the report might be “Rumour or hoax?”

President Vladimir Putin participated in a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of D-Day in 2014. The event was held months after a Western-backed armed coup in Kiev that prompted the then-Ukrainian region of Crimea to secede and seek Russian protection from Ukraine. Nationalists. Paris bid farewell to the Russian leader despite the diplomatic dispute resulting from these events. Western media described Putin as… “Separate and isolated” During the event in Normandy.

According to Europe 1, France wants Moscow to have representation at a lower level at this year's event, but to celebrate the historic date. “It will be difficult” The port was suggested if the country was not part of it at all.

The Soviet Union suffered the highest number of casualties among the Allied forces during World War II, losing more than 26 million lives, most of them civilians. Western countries provided vital supplies to the Soviet war effort, but joined the effort on the European continent only after the Red Army forced Nazi Germany and its allies to retreat.

Earlier in the day, Bloomberg claimed some French and foreign officials were as well “scary” About President Emmanuel Macron's public rhetoric on Russia. And it seems the French leader is as well “Swings unpredictably between peacemaker and instigator” The news agency said.

Last year, Macron said he might invite Putin to visit Normandy, if circumstances permitted.

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