
Washington’s support for Israel threatens Palestinian Christians, priest tells US journalist Tucker Carlson — RT World News

Gaza's small religious community has been destroyed as a result of US foreign policy, according to a Bethlehem pastor

A Bethlehem priest told journalist Tucker Carlson that members of Gaza's small Christian community were among thousands of civilians killed in the Palestinian enclave as a result of Washington's support for Israel in its war with Hamas.

In an interview that the former Fox News host posted on

“One of the biggest problems we face now is the deterioration of our condition [Christian community] Preparation,” Tell Isaac Carlson. “People keep leaving because of the political reality. Life under an extremely harsh Israeli military occupation is difficult to bear. It is to explain.

Palestinian Christians “They may be disproportionately affected by all of this because of our small numbers as a faith community. Anything that happens impacts us hard.” The priest said.

Carlson agreed that A “The constant but never noticed theme in American foreign policy is that it is always Christians who suffer.” Recalling the massacre of Catholics in Vietnam and the complete destruction of the ancient Christian community in Iraq.

“We have always faced a very serious problem when it comes to American foreign policy.” Isaac answered.

He referred to the Israeli air strike on the Orthodox church compound in Gaza last October, which resulted in the deaths of 18 civilians.

“American Christian support for Christians is actually conditional on where you stand on the political spectrum. If Christians are beaten or targeted or persecuted by someone who is not an ally, you will see extreme anger. But because Israel is an ally of America, no one cares about Christians being targeted.” Isaac said.

According to the Palestinian pastor, who has consistently called for a ceasefire in Gaza while meeting with US diplomats, politicians, congressional staff, and even influential clerics, it's astonishing. “How little they know about the reality on the ground.”

His desire is for the United States and its Christian leaders to allocate money to initiatives that bring peace and stop “To support Israel unconditionally without holding it accountable.” Ishaq suggested that this support is the cause of the current disaster. “It's because of these policies” he added.

He described the Israeli hostilities in Gaza as… “Genocide” claim “We will not be able to survive as a Christian society if the situation of Palestinians in general is not resolved.”

Carlson ended his interview with the pastor with an appeal to the audience. “If you wake up in the morning and decide that your Christian faith requires you to support a foreign government in bombing churches and killing Christians, then I think you've lost the thread.”

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