
Xi refuses to back Zelensky’s unilateral ‘peace conference’ — RT World News

The Chinese leader insisted that any talks must be recognized by both Russia and Ukraine

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Monday that he will support holding an international peace conference in Ukraine only if it is recognized by Moscow and Kiev and with equal participation of all parties.

The next talks proposed by Switzerland are scheduled to be held on June 15-16 in the Bürgenstock resort near Lucerne. More than 160 delegations from around the world were invited to participate, including members of the G7, G20, BRICS, the European Union and others. Russian diplomats are not among them.

Xi, who met French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Monday, warned against denigrating China over the Ukraine conflict and insisted that Beijing was playing a role. “positive role” Trying to find a peaceful solution.

Xi told reporters during a joint press conference: “we [China] We oppose using this crisis to place responsibility on a third country, tarnish its image, and incite a new cold war.”

China has also long urged peace talks between Ukraine and Russia, and issued a 12-point peace plan to end hostilities a year into the conflict, in February 2023. The initiative, which Moscow has praised, includes a call for a cessation of hostilities. Hostilities, resumption of peace talks, abandonment “Cold War mentality” Respecting the sovereignty of all countries.

“History has shown that conflicts can only be resolved through negotiations.” The Chinese leader on Monday stressed the need for there to be equal participation of all parties and a fair discussion of all peace plans.

The Swiss Foreign Ministry recently said it was Bern “convinced” That the peace process without Russia is “Unthinkable” But Moscow was not invited “At this stage.”

Moscow had previously called for the proposed conference “Pointless” She would not participate, even if invited. Ukraine indicated that Russia would only be invited if it agreed to a set of preconditions described by Moscow “silly.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described the upcoming event as a… “Parody of negotiations” In which Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will be promoted. Lavrov also clarified in an interview on Monday that the “peace plan” around which the summit will revolve includes “Fake and openly anti-Russian.”

In contrast to Beijing's proposal to end the fighting, Kiev's ten-point peace formula — first presented by Zelensky in the fall of 2022 — demands the complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian forces from all territories Ukraine considers its own, and that Moscow pay reparations. And the war crimes court.

Russia rejected the proposals “unrealistic” It is a sign of Kiev's unwillingness to seek a diplomatic solution to the conflict.

Moscow has repeatedly said that it is ready to resolve the Ukrainian conflict peacefully, but will not accept an agreement that ignores its national interests.

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