
Austin confirmed his continued support for Tel Aviv, while Galanter believed Israel's existence was “precarious.”information

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the United States will continue to supply… Israel Possess weapons and ammunition necessary for war Gaza StripHe stressed that Israel's aggression against the Gaza Strip has no timetable or conditions.

The U.S. Secretary stated at a press conference held in 2017 tel aviv Israeli Rebecca Nazira Yoav Galante The Islamic resistance movement should not (agitation) can “export terrorism from Gaza to Israel again,” referring to the battle al aqsa floods.

Galante emphasized this point, arguing that Israel's “existence” would be “threatened” if Hamas is not “disbanded,” noting that Israel is working to ensure that “Hamas cannot threaten Israel's security in the future.”

Speaking on his second visit to Tel Aviv since the start of the year, Austin explained… Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip That washington It did not issue “any time frame for the end of the military operation in Gaza” to its allies, indicating that the war was an “Israeli action.”

Austin calls for end to extremist settler attacks in West Bank (Anatolia)

The US minister arrived in Israel earlier today (Monday) and met with members of the War Council in Tel Aviv to discuss developments in the current phase of the war, expected steps into the next phase and “Israeli's progress”. It’s being made in Gaza”.

in the context of a task USA In an attempt to ease the wave of criticism for his unequivocal support for Israel's aggression in Gaza, the US Secretary of State called for the need to “stop extremist settler attacks on Palestinians”. bank of the west“.

He also pointed out the need to “protect civilians and bring humanitarian aid to Gaza,” emphasizing that protecting Gaza civilians is a “moral obligation” while emphasizing that “Israel has the right to self-defense.”

Austin visited, accompanied by US Chief of Staff Charles Brown, and held discussions with the prime minister in Tel Aviv. Benjamin Netanyahu Defense Minister Galante and Israeli Chief of Staff Hertz Halevi.

An Israeli Army Radio reporter said Galante and his U.S. counterparts reviewed a list of assassinated Hamas leaders and other leaders who have been liquidated.

Yemen and Lebanon

On related issues, the US Secretary of Defense stated that Washington will take all necessary measures to ensure freedom of navigation in the strait mandemen.

He emphasized that the United States is working to form an international coalition to intervene to prevent any attacks in the Red Sea region in response to group attacks Ansar Houthis Several shipping companies have suspended the passage of several Israel-bound ships through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

In the same context, Austin said he confirmed to Guerante “our shared commitment to countering the threats you support.” Iran in this area. “

He said his country did not want to “see this conflict expand into a larger war or a regional war, and we call on Hezbollah to ensure that it does not do things that would lead to a wider conflict.”

Galante echoed the US minister's statement, confirming that Israel would not hesitate “to launch an attack on the northern front if diplomatic options fail.” “We want him to realize,” Galante said Hezbollah “The consequences of what he did.”

Austin's visit comes days after U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed to reporters during a visit to Tel Aviv that Israel “intends to enter a new phase of the war focused on using more precise means to target Hamas' leadership.”

Trip plans include Austin in the area Qatar And Bahrain.

Since October 7 last year, the Israeli occupying forces, with the absolute support of the United States, have launched a devastating war against the Gaza Strip, resulting in more than 19,000 Palestinian deaths and more than 51,000 injuries, most of them children and women.

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