
Duhuaili: Double message on the Resistance's bombing of Tel Aviv after the 74-day war

Major General Fayez al-Duwairi, a military and strategic expert, said: Qassam Brigade -The military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation) – after 74 days of war, it bombarded Greater Tel Aviv with missiles and sent a military and political message. Gaza Strip.

Speaking to Al Jazeera’s military analysis, Duhuaili said the message of political resistance was its ability to target Israel’s demographic and economic centers of gravity and force millions of people to seek refuge, as happened at the start of the aqsa floods“.

He added that military information is that the combat staff and command, control and communication systems from the top to smaller groups remain effective, noting that it also emphasizes battle planning mechanisms by choosing the right time, the right targets and the right missiles.

He went on to say that Qassam's information told the occupation forces that its missile inventory was in good condition “but that it alone decides when, how and where to strike,” which effectively meant that Hamas fighters had the ability to carry out strikes for months. Launch missiles inside. Head to Duhuaili.

As for using the David's Sling system to shoot down some resistance missiles, Du Huaili revealed that the matter is related to the type and range of the missile, because the “Iron Dome” can only deal with missiles with a range between 5 and 70 kilometers. Missiles beyond this range, use Other defense systems.

On-site development

Duvali spoke about developments on the ground and said the occupying forces were trying to advance along the eastern part of the Gaza Strip after Israeli vehicles that had not previously participated in the fighting between the north and the south entered the eastern central area. On the outskirts of Bureij and Al-Maghazi refugee camps.

It is believed that the Israeli army hopes to control the length of the fenced area from Beit Hanoun in the north to Rafah in the south, with a depth of between 1.3 and 2 kilometers.

The military analyst noted that these developments on the ground – such as attempts to advance toward Palestine Square in central Gaza – coincide with escalating discussions about a political approach that could lead to a new truce or other agreement. Exchange transactions regardless of their likelihood of success or failure.

He added that the occupying forces seemed to want to impose a new fait accompli alongside the political negotiation process, and he believed these would serve as strength cards at the negotiating table.

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