
Here’s who the West should really be ‘decolonizing’ — RT World News

Russia's supposed imperial ambitions get a lot of airtime, but Israel gets a free pass to do whatever it wants with Palestine

The hypocrisy of the West, led by the United States, regarding how it reacts to Russia, a geopolitical rival, on the one hand, and Israel, a favored state with special privileges, on the other, is so blatant that even Watchman And I noticed. While the West uses discourse about “rules” And “Valuable” In order to conceal its proxy war against Russia via Ukraine, it tolerates and supports Israel's genocidal attack on Palestinians in Gaza. Even though the UN's highest court, the International Court of Justice, has now found that genocide is a reasonable possibility, it simply makes no real difference.

This is a failure that goes beyond the cynical political elites. During the war between Russia and Ukraine (and the de facto West), many Western academics, journalists and experts could not be satisfied with their rhetorical toughness. Although the severely misled Ukrainians were the ones who bore all the responsibility, resorting to verbal extremism was the greatest anger among the Western brigade.

Some tried to accuse Moscow of genocide. Others felt that the least they could do was demand the disappearance of Russia. This fantasy of dismantling a geopolitical rival was often dressed up as an invitation to do so “Decolonization in Russia” He was also underestimated “The Last Empire.” These labels were useful because they implied three modern – if absurd – ideas: first, the claim that the modern post-Soviet Russian Federation consists of a colonial center and colonial peripheries. Secondly, Russia simply wants He should It collapses because all empires collapse (never mind that it's not an empire). Third, Ukraine could be recast as a victim of imperialism on a par with, say, the Belgian Congo or Vietnam, fighting first the French and then the Americans.

None of the above makes sense. Russia is a federal state, its population is characterized by more than one ethnic identity, and there are imbalances. If you think that's the definition of colonialism, go ahead and break up Great Britain or France. As for A “The Last Empire” Maybe try the US first. After all, this is the only country on Earth that officially considers itself a country “indispensable,” It believes the entire world to be its (literal) God-given sphere of influence, and has just used Ukraine as a proxy in Europe, working to reduce its followers in the EU into abject poverty, sponsoring ongoing genocide in the Middle East, and preparing for a new war. A great war in Asia to defend it “priority”.

But the inherent absurdity of these clearly politically motivated accusations — propaganda, real — isn't really the most interesting aspect. For one thing, it's very obvious. But what's really interesting is something else, and it only happened recently. We are now in the fifth month in which we have witnessed – 24/7, in real time – the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. This is the result of the structure of Israel itself, and its Zionist source code: a classic European settler colony whose existence in its current form is based on the removal of the indigenous population.

Yet the same brave voices brave enough to shout out loud are what every political leader (and editor and business owner) in the West wants to hear about Russia – where are they now? Where are their demands? “Decolonization in Palestine” That is, liberating Palestinians from Israeli oppression and mass murderous violence? Where are their demands to end? “The last settler colony”?

Make no mistake, ending Israel as it is now, a state of constant violence, in perpetual violation of UN rules with impunity, does not suffice. no Requires or involves indiscriminate mass violence against Israelis. It simply means this state – and not its Jewish population – is committing the same imperialist crimes that Western spokesmen continue to accuse Russia of committing.

Where is the interest in Palestine, a country that has clearly become a real victim of imperialist violence at the hands of Israel and the West? Where are the calls to arm the Palestinian resistance with the best NATO arsenal? Transfer tens of billions of euros and dollars to the Palestinians so they can continue their struggle against Israeli aggression? nothing. With very few exceptions, the silence of Western intellectuals is deafening.

The contrast with the greatness of the past is stark, even strange. Take for example Washington Post editorial “What's happening in Ukraine is genocide. Period.” Dated April 5, 2022. The article, written by Eugene Finkel, a political scientist originally from Lviv, Ukraine and based at Johns Hopkins University, discussed what its title would have you expect: Finkel had no doubt that he could set a clear goal—cutting off the state of annihilation Collective. He also did not remain silent regarding Gaza: on November 16, 2023, he used An op-ed in the Los Angeles Times To tell us about it “An episode of violence including atrocities, indiscriminate targeting, bombings and hostage-taking, leading to allegations of possible genocide or massacres committed by the warring parties.”

spot the difference? While Finkel jumped to the far-reaching conclusions he wanted regarding Russia, he was careful to talk only about Russia. “Claims” When it comes to Israel and Gaza – of course, it deals with both sides of the Israeli perpetrators and the Palestinian victims. However, Israel has clearly and deliberately targeted civilians through a strategy of enforcing ethnic cleansing. The methods of warfare used by Israel – for example, systematic starvation sieges; Openly encouraging the ill-treatment of civilians, including children and women, as combatants, and combatants who have no rights; The complete destruction of medical infrastructure and the systematic killing and abuse of medical personnel; And the systematic mass slaughter by bombing – there is no parallel in the fighting Russia is waging in Ukraine. For Israel, there can be no doubt about it “intention,” It is an essential factor in proving genocide.

If Finkel were honest and somewhat unbiased, the least he could do is reverse his position: The case of Israel's genocide in Gaza is crystal clear; The case for accusing Russia of committing this crime in Ukraine is not the case.

related “Decolonization” There's Janusz Bugajski, a senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation in Washington and an author “The Failed State: A Guide to Russia's Disruption.” Bugajsky was a staunch supporter of the dismantling of Russia, urging Western policymakers to prepare for Moscow's defeat and collapse, and then Benefiting from de-imperialism in Russia“. Unsurprisingly, he also enjoyed “Fallen Empire” unable. His ability to get facts and predictions ridiculously wrong is one thing. Poland, whose glorious strategic future he will predict in his next book, may be concerned about this.

So, what about Bugajski's position on the genocide in Gaza? basic: It's Moscow's fault, naturally. Or, at least, what we should be thinking about is not the Israeli genocide, but Bugajski's claim that Russia is somehow benefiting from this crisis. As for what's actually happening on the ground, Bugajski can only see it “Israeli retaliation against Gaza to eliminate the terrorist threat.” Genocide? What genocide? To be fair, he notes that the United States faces this 'International condemnation' Because of its support for Israel. But this truth too he can only process mentally as another truth “Wins” To evil Moscow.

We can add more examples. But the problem should be clear by now: many Western intellectuals are betraying the first obligation of their profession: to at least strive to be honest. The almost compulsive desire to arm themselves, their positions, and their reputations against Russia has trumped any respect for established facts and standards. This alone is a sad picture of moral decline. But their response to Israel's genocide in Gaza – or often their complete failure to respond – has become much worse again. At that point – that is, now – their blatant disregard for the Palestinian victims, their needs and their rights reveals them not only as biased professionals and ideologues, but also as devoid of conscience and compassion.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of RT.

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