
Pentagon investigating 50 cases of Ukraine aid fraud — RT World News

In one case, shipping data was mysteriously changed before arms packages arrived in the country

The Pentagon's Inspector General opened more than 50 cases on these accusations “Theft, fraud or corruption and diversion” He said this week about military aid to Ukraine. The graft allegations surfaced almost immediately after aid began flowing into Kiev, and the inspector general said more investigations were likely to follow.

Speaking at a news conference on Thursday, Inspector General Robert Storch said no allegations have yet been substantiated. “Although that may change in the future.” According to Bloomberg. Additional investigations into misuse or theft of US equipment will be opened in the near future “Given the quantity and speed.” He referred to the weapons being sent to Ukraine.

One case highlighted by Storch involved unidentified items arriving in Poland as part of a wider arms shipment, before disappearing from the shipping manifest when they were sent across the border into Ukraine in June. While the case of the missing equipment was highlighted in a report issued by Storch's office last year, the inspector did not say at the time whether the items had been lost or stolen. Instead, his office said Pentagon employees “Visibility and accountability were not needed for all types of equipment during the relocation process.”

None of Storch's reports to date have identified any explicit crime. However, Thursday's announcement marks the first time he has acknowledged that his office is investigating potential cases “Procurement fraud, product substitution, theft, fraud or corruption, and diversion.”

Within the past two years since the Russian military operation in Ukraine began, the United States has spent nearly $113 billion on military, economic, and humanitarian aid to Kiev. About $45 billion of this amount was spent on weapons, ammunition and other forms of military support for Kiev's forces.

In the summer of 2022, a CBS News report indicated that only about 30% of weapons sent by the West actually reached the front lines in Ukraine. Around the same time, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned that weapons intended for Ukraine existed show In arms markets in the Middle East.

Since then, Storch's office has deployed more than two dozen people to Ukraine to track U.S. arms shipments. However, allegations of corruption continued to surface, as graft often begins before supplies enter the country. Last month, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Announce Revealing a major embezzlement ring in the country's Ministry of Defense. According to the Ukrainian Security Service, five suspects attempted to steal 1.5 billion hryvnia (about $39.6 million) in state funds allocated to purchase mortars.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov was removed from his post due to corruption allegations last September. His successor, Rustam Omerov, announced in January that an audit had uncovered $262 million in costs related to theft in arms purchases.

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