
Mexico asks US to lift Venezuela sanctions — RT World News

The President also called on Washington to end the trade embargo it has imposed on Cuba for decades

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador urged the United States to end its economic sanctions on Venezuela, as part of a comprehensive proposal to address the migration crisis in Latin America.

Speaking during a news conference on Friday, Obrador described a multi-step plan to address the increase in migration across the region, saying he had asked the US government to allocate $20 billion to the initiative and grant visas to about 10 million Hispanics in the long term. Residents working in the United States.

He added that he also requested an end to economic sanctions targeting both Cuba and Venezuela during talks with senior US officials last month, and instead called for sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela. “Humanitarian policy” with “Social dimension.”

Washington must “Abandoning the policy that prevailed 200 years ago, the policy of hegemony based on diktats and prohibitions. This is from the Middle Ages, and has nothing to do with today’s world. Obrador said.

The president has strongly criticized sanctions in the past, arguing that they exacerbated the migration crisis. During a speech in October, he pledged just that “They continued to insist on addressing the root causes of migration, of origins, of going deeper, of depoliticizing, of thinking that rights are above ideology, that sanctions – blockades – cannot be maintained and that the poorest countries must be helped.”

Washington has long imposed harsh sanctions on Cuba, having imposed a wide-ranging trade embargo on the island in 1962, following the socialist overthrow of President Fulgencio Batista. The sanctions imposed on Venezuela are the latest, as former US President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on the country's oil industry in 2017 and gradually intensified measures in the following years. President Joe Biden continued many of the same policies, but eased some sanctions on Caracas after negotiations between the country's ruling party and the opposition.

Obrador's latest comments came days after Mexican law enforcement rescued 32 migrants who were kidnapped while trying to reach the United States, most of them from Venezuela and Honduras. The migrants were taken from a bus by armed men, reportedly seeking ransom, which some families eventually did, according to local officials.

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