
Musk lashes out at ‘eco-terrorists’ over power outage at Tesla plant — RT World News

An electric car factory in Germany stopped working due to arson

A shadowy left-wing group said it was behind the arson that led to the closure of a large Tesla factory near Berlin. The authorities and Tesla owner Elon Musk condemned the actions “Terrorists.”

Tesla's Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg in Gruenheide was evacuated Tuesday when a nearby power pole caught fire, authorities and the company said. The fire did not spread to the factory, but it led to a power outage, which led to the cessation of production. Police said they were investigating the incident as a possible arson.

The far-left group Vulkangruppe claimed responsibility for the fire in a letter sent to German media, citing “Conditions of extreme exploitation” In the factory and call “Complete destruction of the Gigafactory.” This group and organizations with similar names have claimed responsibility for arson in Germany since 2011, according to the authorities. Not much is known about the group's members.

Musk criticized potential perpetrators on social media. “These are either the stupidest eco-terrorists on the face of the earth or they are puppets of those who do not have good environmental goals.” Musk wrote on X (formerly Twitter). He added in German that it was “Very stupid” To target the production of electric vehicles instead of fossil fuel-powered vehicles.

Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woedke condemned the incident “A serious attack on our critical infrastructure has consequences for thousands of people and many small and large businesses in our state.” He added that such attacks “A form of terrorism.” Meanwhile, Brandenburg Interior Minister Michael Stubgen described the suspected attack as an attack “The treacherous burn.”

Reuters quoted Tesla as saying that the outage left 1,000 vehicles unfinished on Tuesday alone.

The Brandenburg factory opened in 2022 and became Tesla's first manufacturing site in Europe. The company announced last year that it had reached the production level of 5,000 cars per week.

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