
Practicing Christians more skeptical of AI

A study shows that Americans who attend religious services are more interested in rapidly developing technology than the general public

Christian practice and “Biblically committed believers” People in the United States are more skeptical of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) than the public as a whole, according to a new survey by the American Bible Society.

In the second chapter of its annual State of the Bible report released last week, the nonprofit examined participants’ views on technology and the role it plays in their faith. The study was based on 2,506 online interviews with American adults in all states.

The results showed that levels of uncertainty about AI were high across the board, with 68% of the general public disagreeing with the idea that AI could “Promoting spiritual health” And 58% of people disagree that artificial intelligence is capable of this “Help with moral reasoning.”

The report said that regardless of clerical connection or allegiance “Everyone is unsure what a future with AI might look like.” Meanwhile, just over half of survey respondents agreed that artificial intelligence would lead to increased unemployment.

“Americans are more fearful than hopeful about artificial intelligence.” said John Farquhar Blake, chief program officer at the American Bible Society and editor of State of the Bible. He added that while the survey shows ‘A great deal of uncertainty’ across the board, “The greatest uncertainty is at the intersection of faith and artificial intelligence.”

Americans engaged in the Bible are “little more” The study found that Americans are more concerned about artificial intelligence than Americans as a whole. Likewise, they were more likely than their peers to express agreement with negative statements about AI.

The engaged writers showed average “Degree of agreement” 3.1 On the belief that the use of artificial intelligence “Contradicts the teachings of the Bible” Compared to an agreement score of 2.7 for the general public. Likewise, they were more likely to agree that the bad outweighs the good when it comes to AI.

The average level of agreement that AI will increase unemployment was also highest among committed Christians, followed by non-practicing Christians and non-Christians.

The idea of ​​a priest using artificial intelligence to develop sermons has been more objectionable among practicing Christians than among non-Christians or non-Christians.

The survey conducted by the non-profit organization found that contrary to popular assumption, Generation Z was no more positive about artificial intelligence than older generations, despite their comfort with the technology. “Digital natives.” In fact, Generation Z is “Most worried” About how AI will impact their livelihoods, fearing they lack the AI ​​skills to keep their jobs, according to the report.

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