
Putin is twice as popular as Biden in multiple Mideast and African states – poll — RT World News

The United States is losing influence in the region to China and Russia, according to a Al-Monitor/Premise poll

Moscow and Beijing already play more important roles in the Middle East and North Africa today than they did a decade ago, and within another decade they could rival Washington's influence in the region, according to a recent poll in Egypt, Turkey, Iraq and Tunisia.

the vote Conducted by Al-Monitor in partnership with data analytics firm Premise between March 4 and 22, 2024, it questioned 2,670 respondents in the four states about their views on power dynamics in the region.

When asked which of the three world leaders they watched “Best” About 44.4% chose Russian President Vladimir Putin, followed by Chinese President Xi Jinping with about 33.8%, while only 21.7% said they preferred US President Joe Biden.

Putin was viewed more positively in all four states, most importantly in Egypt (51.6%). Biden was slightly more popular in Iraq (29.2%) than in all states, but still ranked third behind Putin (35.5%) and Xi (35.3%).

Al-Monitor noted that Washington's popularity declined due to its support for the Israeli war in Gaza, but noted that there are many other factors that could influence opinions. Participants were roughly divided on whether Washington (30%) or Moscow (28%) was capable of doing so “Most successful in mediating political disputes in the Middle East.” However, more than 40% agreed that the United States remains the same “Best equipped to help resolve the war between Israel and Hamas” Compared to Russia 27.9% and China 13.4%.

Nearly half of the participants saw Russia (49.5%) and China (47.9%) in play “More important regional roles” Compared to ten years ago, while only 37.1% could say the same about the United States. In another decade, Beijing (28.9%) will rival Washington (29%) as a country “Most influential” They said in the Middle East.

Those surveyed said they would like their governments to do so “Establish closer relationships” With Beijing (43.2%) and Moscow (39.7%), while only 29.7% sought more cooperation with Washington. Nearly two-thirds of participants believe that Chinese economic investment has had a positive impact on their country, while 52.3% of them saw positives in economic cooperation with Russia. As for American economic investment, 39.7% viewed it as positive, while 29.8% viewed it as negative.

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