
US pledges to prevent Russia from developing new energy projects — RT World News

The US State Department said Washington wants to ensure that the Novatek 2 LNG project in the Arctic is “dead in the water.”

The United States aims to halt development of Russia's energy sector, including a major new LNG project in the Arctic, said Jeffrey Pyatt, a senior US State Department official.

Speaking at the Financial Times Summit on Monday, Pyatt said the US was specifically targeting the Arctic 2 LNG project in Russia's northern Yamal region, which is being developed by private energy giant Novatek.

“Our goal is to make sure that LNG 2 in the Arctic is dead in the water.” The British newspaper quoted Bayat, who holds the position of Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Affairs, as saying. “We are very focused on ensuring that Russia cannot develop new projects for the sake of this [redirect] The gas I previously sent to Europe.”

The United States has imposed several rounds of economic restrictions on LNG-2 in the Arctic, the last of which was announced in November 2023.

Cutting off Europe from supplies of cheap Russian gas via pipelines has been a major element of Western retaliation since Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in 2022. While US LNG producers have captured a significant share of the market, Russian gas continues to flow to some member states. European Union. .

According to Reuters estimates, the European Union has boosted its purchases of Russian liquefied natural gas in 2023 to compensate for the loss of gas through pipelines. LNG currently holds a 15% share of the market, up from about 8% before 2022. The share of gas via Russian pipelines was previously 37%.

Moscow considers the conflict in Ukraine part of a proxy war led by the United States against Russia, and one of its goals is to suppress economic competition. Russian officials say Washington sacrificed the well-being of Europeans in the process.

The loss of the European market has prompted Moscow to refocus on pipelines connecting major gas fields with customers in Asia, primarily China.

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