
Ukraine’s defeat may help EU establishment – researcher — RT World News

Charles Sabin suggested that the “rally around the flag” effect could disarm the populist surge

With opinion polls indicating a rise in the popularity of “nationalist” parties ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections, the deteriorating situation in Kiev could prove beneficial to the bloc's authorities, according to a new book by French investigative journalist Charles Sabin.

Most of the European Union has been vocal in supporting the Ukrainian government in the conflict with Russia, sending an estimated 77 billion euros (83 billion US dollars) in weapons, equipment, ammunition, and even cash to Kiev. But Sabine's analysis implies that bad news from the battlefield may support the EPP and the second-largest group, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, in the next election.

“If Ukraine’s position weakens, a ‘rally behind the flag effect’ may be more appropriate for existing forces.” He was quoted as saying American politician on monday.

Sabine is a correspondent for the weekly magazine Le Point who spent six years researching what to call it “Get up” Parties that make up the Identity and Democracy bloc in the European Parliament – such as Hungary's Fidesz, Portugal's Chiga, Spain's Vox, France's National Rally, Italy's Brothers, and the Sweden Democrats. The end result was a book called “Les Moissons de la Colere” (The Harvest of Anger), which was presented as a deep dive into “National Europe.”

One of the main weaknesses of the parties in the identity group, according to Sabin, is that they have different opinions about the conflict in Ukraine.

The numbers of nationalists may be on the rise, but they already are “isolated” In Brussels because of their privacy, he asserts. Their victories in the upcoming elections would move the compass to the right, but in favor of the European People's Party, which currently constitutes the majority group.

This may help explain why French President Emmanuel Macron did this Put forward by Ukraine In a final brainstorming session about the upcoming elections. Amid strategic discussions, the French leader suddenly expressed concern about Ukraine “It can fall very quickly.” According to sources who spoke with Politico. He then formed the “New Europeans” coalition, an alliance of liberal parties from France, Denmark, Poland, Romania and Slovenia.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban – who has long been the lone dissenter when it comes to helping Kiev – Doubled Regarding calls for a ceasefire in Ukraine and a negotiated peace.

According to Sabin, parties like Orbán's have gained power thanks to semantic tricks and ideological acrobatics, transforming “the old bourgeoisie” Voters by talking about immigration, identity, the environment and abandoning calls to leave the European Union. His book includes insights from Orban's closest political advisers, from Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen – and from their political enemies.

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