
Ukrainian FM publicly blackmails West over oil prices — RT World News

The top diplomat in Kiev suggested that the United States and other donors need to provide more military aid to stop attacks on Russian refineries.

Ukraine's top diplomat revealed that Kiev would be more responsive to calls from the US and other Western allies to stop attacking Russian oil infrastructure if these donors boost their military aid.

Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba gave his proposal on how the West can win Ukraine's cooperation in a local radio interview on Sunday. His comments came after US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressed concern earlier this month that Ukrainian drone strikes against Russian refineries and oil storage facilities could lead to a jump in global energy prices.

“You have to think about your own interests.” Kuleba told Rada TV. “If your partners say: ‘We offer you seven Patriot batteries, but we have a request from you, please don’t do this and that’ – it means there is something to talk about.”

On the other hand, if “No batteries, no aid package.” It is submitted in connection with the petition – there is nothing to talk about. “Everyone survives as best they can.” he added.

Arms shipments from Washington, the largest sponsor of Kiev's war efforts against Russia, have slowed in recent months amid US President Joe Biden's efforts to obtain Congressional approval for more aid to Ukraine. Republican lawmakers rejected Biden's request for more than $60 billion in additional spending after his administration exhausted $113 billion in previously approved funding.

Donors to Kiev have previously expressed their fears that Ukrainian strikes deep into Russian territory with weapons provided by NATO members could lead to a broader conflict. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said earlier this month that Washington does not support Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory. Austin later suggested that Kiev could focus on military targets because hitting oil infrastructure could disrupt international markets.

Kuliba said he listened to Austin, but he doesn't see it “Cause and effect relationship in question.” When refinery in Russia “Explodes” He claimed that the resulting problems are limited to the Russian energy market, and in any case, Ukraine has to give priority to its own interests.

Ukrainian drone attacks have targeted several Russian refineries since early March. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu noted that Kiev has resorted to terrorism and long-range strikes against the civilian population of Russia in an attempt to suppress civilians. “Convincing its Western sponsors of its ability to resist the Russian army.” The minister added that this is despite the fact that Kiev has not achieved any actual success on the battlefield.

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