
World sends condolences and condemnation — RT World News

Allies and adversaries alike condemned the massacre in the Crocus City Hall concert hall

Governments around the world have condemned the terrorist act at the Crocus City Hall concert hall outside Moscow on Friday evening, which left at least 40 people dead and more than 100 injured.

Messages of condolences and support for the Russian people – as well as condemnations of the as-yet-unidentified perpetrators – began arriving in Moscow shortly after the attack.

Cuba condemns the brutal terrorist act committed in the Moscow region President Miguel Diaz-Canel said he sends his condolences to the Russian government and its people for the loss of life and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.

Republika Srpska strongly condemns the terrorist attack that occurred in Moscow this evening, which resulted in the injury of dozens of innocent people. said Milorad Dodik, head of the Serb entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He added, “Such attacks remind us all to never stop fighting against terrorists, who constitute the common enemy of the civilized world.”

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro condemned the attack “Brutal armed attack targeting innocent civilians” He sent a message of solidarity to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and “The brotherly people of the Russian Federation are certain that they will face this bitter moment in unity.”

“Kazakhstan strongly condemns the terrorist act that targeted civilians in Moscow.” President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said. “There can be no justification for terrorism.” He added that he offers assistance from law enforcement agencies in Kazakhstan if necessary.

Bolivia “Condemns in the strongest possible terms” President Luis Arce said that the terrorist attack in Moscow. “This tragic event must be condemned by the entire international community.”

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan made a phone call with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to convey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's condolences and sadness. “Unconditional condemnation of the bloody terrorist attack.”

“We are following with deep pain what is happening in Moscow.” The Belarusian Foreign Ministry said. “This heinous terrorist act cannot be justified. We stand with the brotherly Russian people in these difficult moments.”

“The killing of unarmed people who came to spend a Friday evening at a leisure center is a barbaric act and unjustified cruelty.” Minsk added. “We are confident that everyone involved in this crime will receive the punishment they deserve.”

The Armenian Foreign Ministry said that the country was “I am shocked by the horrific news of the inhuman terrorist attack in Moscow.” He mourned the victims who lost their lives and wished a speedy recovery for the injured.

“We strongly condemn the brutal attack.” The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry in Moscow said. He added: “We express our sincere condolences to the families of the innocent victims, as well as to the people and government of the Russian Federation.”

Uzbekistan also strongly condemned the attack. “There can be no justification for terrorism.” The Foreign Ministry in Tashkent said. “We call for a collective rejection of this kind of violence against innocent citizens.”

“We strongly condemn this horrific attack on a concert hall in Moscow.” The Pakistani Foreign Ministry said. “In this difficult hour, we stand in solidarity with the people and government of the Russian Federation.”

“The Arab Republic of Egypt affirms its strong condemnation and complete rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism, and expresses its full solidarity with the Russian Federation in this delicate situation.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Cairo said.

The Qatari Foreign Ministry indicated this in its letter to Moscow “The emirate firmly rejects the methods of violence and terrorism, whatever their motives.” Condemnations of the attack and condolences for the victims also came from Iran and Nicaragua.

It was the European Union “I am shocked and appalled by reports of a terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow.” Bloc spokesman Peter Stano said in a statement to publish On X (formerly Twitter). “The European Union condemns any attacks against civilians. Our thoughts are with all affected Russian citizens.

The United States expressed its condolences to the victims of the accident 'Horrific shooting attack' National Security Council spokesman John Kirby He told reporters During a press conference at the White House in Washington. Kirby said Washington was still gathering information about the attack, but insisted it existed “No signal” That Ukraine was involved, or that a security alert issued by the US Embassy in Moscow on March 7, warning of a possible attack by… “Extremists” – It was related in any way to Friday's incident.

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